Post by Benjamin on Jun 11, 2021 18:14:59 GMT 1
Moonlight "Luna" Kanadalainen mustangi - tamma - koulutuksessa Taustatietoja: -
Post by Benjamin on Jun 11, 2021 18:15:28 GMT 1
In the light of.. Moonlight The arrival
Benjamin could barely contain his excitement. Well.. Truthfully speaking, he didn’t even try. The way he kept glancing out of the window every ten seconds was driving Dineo nuts. “Geez”, she sighed and rolled her eyes. “You’ll hear when they arrive, for sure. Calm down.” Benjamin huffed with a smirk and returned back to his paperwork. .. Only after taking one more, final glance out of the window, and after ignoring the loud sigh Dineo let out.
How could he not be excited, after all? Today was the day he’d been waiting for his whole life! Or so it felt, at least. Ever since he was a small tyke Ben had been dreaming of his very own mustang. Every story, every book and movie always had a mustang in it and even back then Ben knew some day he would own one too. And this would be the day. He would be a proud owner of a mustang, just as soon as the cursed lorry showed up - seriously, where were they?! How long does it take to transport one horse all the way from Canada to Asutralia..?
It was an usual sight, very usual sight actually, to see a huge truck finally make its way to the ranch’s yard. “Oh look, they-..” Dineo started, but before she had time to even think about finishing her sentence, Ben had bolted out of the whole stable. With a soft sigh and a shake of her head Dini stood up and went after her friend.
And when she saw what came out of the lorry made her furrow her brows and cross her arms. It was.. “It’s pretty small”, she noted, trying to sound as calm and neutral as possible. She knew all Ben could see was pink hearts and rainbows; it was the same deal every time a new horse arrived. No matter how skinny, patchy, unstable or just straight up ugly the horse was, Ben always thought them to be the most beautiful thing ever to exist. This time was no exception. The man was delighted. “Sure is”, he cheerfully replied and went to fetch the tiny mare from the lorry driver’s grasp.
“Seriously, mate?” Dini couldn’t help but ask, after the driver started his car and drove away. Paperwork had been sorted out well before the horse’s arrival, and one signature to check the so called “cargo” had been delivered was quickly written. “Yep”, Ben nodded and offered his hand to the white mare. “Hello there gorgeous”, he mumbled in such softness, a tone which he reserved only for horses.
Ben knew the mare wasn’t anything like he’d been dreaming of. In all those stories from his childhood there were fierce, wild mustangs. Their hooves would send sparks flyings and they’d breathe fire, flames would shoot out of their nostrils. They would be as dark as night, be big and strong, magnificent stallions. But this? This was but a mare, white and small, who curiously yet cautiously glanced around in this new, weird environment. She did take a short sniff of Ben’s palm, which was more than enough for the man. He knew there was something so very special about this horse, and he couldn’t wait to find out what it was.
“What’s her name?” Dini asked as the two of them watched how the mare walked further away from them in her new pasture. Her neighbors were curious and called out to her with polite neighs, to which she shortly replied before taking few steps in trot, stopping, and lowering her head to eat some fresh, green grass. “Moonlight”, Ben said and looked at Dini. “That’s.. Not something I would’ve guessed.” “What did ya guess then?” “Something like, Dakota or Apache or, you know. Moonlight just sounds.. Kinda cliche.” “And Dakota or Apache don’t, then?” Ben laughed and turned to look Moonlight once more. “You know what I mean”, Dini huffed and gently pushed her friend’s shoulder. “Yeah, I know. But I think it suits her.” “Any nicknames in mind?” “Yeah.. But we’ll see, depends on what she wants to be called.”
Post by Benjamin on Nov 17, 2022 11:29:55 GMT 1
Luna, se oli hänen nimensä. Yli vuosi sitten kun Luna saapui, Dineo oli kysynyt millä nimellä häntä kutsuttaisiin. Silloin en vielä tiennyt. Valkean tamman harjassa säihkyi tähtinauha, ja sen silmistä kajasti koko avaruus. Sen täytyi olla yksisarvinen ilman sarveaan.
Luna hänestä lopulta sitten tuli. Se nimi tuli tietoisuuteeni muutama päivä Lunan kotiutumisen jälkeen, juuri viettäessäni aikaa tamman laitumella. Olin istunut aidalla ja katsellut mustangin rauhaisaa oleskelua. Se oli kohottanut päänsä ja katsonut minua kohti, ja silloin olin sen tiennyt. Luna oli loistava nimi.
Vaikka siitä olikin jo yli vuosi, Lunan kanssa oli edelleen tehty suhteellisen vähän. Tai paljon, mutta silti vähän. Se paljon nimittäin tarkoitti paljon juurikin vain tätä; olemista, pysähtymistä, hiljentymistä. Yhdessä hengittämistä, tutustumista. Lunassa oli jotain niin.. Niin mystisen herkkää. Luulin nähneeni jo kaiken, mutta siinä oli hevonen joka edelleen yllätti. Jos ajatukseni lähtivät harhailemaan hetkeksikään, tai jos lähestyin sitä pikkurillikin väärässä asennossa Luna poistui paikalta. Se todella opetti, ja opettaa edelleen, tarkastelemaan itseä ja katsomaan peiliin - pitkään, ja hartaasti. Nyt olemme jo siinä pisteessä että taluttaminen sujuu rennosti ja pyöröaitauksessa voimme sujuvasti tehdä töitä vapaana, libertyä.
Satulakin alkaa vähitellen olla siedettävä kapistus. Hölkkäsin tamman rinnalla toinen käsi kohotettuna aavistuksen eteenpäin, ja tamma venytti hienosti kaulaansa käteni mukana. Vapaina roikkuvat jalustimet hölskyivät ravin tahtiin, mutta Luna ei piitannut siitä ollenkaan. Katse pysyi pehmeänä ja vastaanottavaisena. Seisahduin ylpeyttä täynnä ja kurotin silittämään Lunan hopeanhohtoista harjaa hengitystäni keräillessä. Tiesin, että töitä olisi edelleen tehtävä ja edettävä hitaasti, mutten silti voinut olla haaveilematta päivästä, kun saisin nousta tamman selkään. Se päivä olisi ehkä elämäni siihen mennessä suurin saavutus, ja se sanoo jo paljon. Mutta sen aika ei olisi vielä, eikä minulla ollut kiire.